Dugong Tear Pearl – Type B2


Availability: In stock

SKU: Sea Mammals 2-3 Category:
Dugong Pearl
General Virtues for
Dugong pearls
Abundance; Attracts
luck and Prosperity; Attraction; Beauty; Enchanting Appearance; Love;
Romance; Wards Of negative Energies, Healing, Love spells &
General virtues are
mentioned here, Details Psychic reading is only given after the purchase of the
Bezoar stones–Mustika pearl.
The Dugong
Dugong Totem indicates the consciousness of the sea, delving deep within, and
finding new directions in life. They also represent a guide to overcoming
obstacles, the advent of adventure and the spirit of personal freedom. This
creature of the seas of Australia signifies the deeper conscious and better
Dugong’s are called the
“cows” of the Sea and are closely related to the Elephant and the
Manatee. Dugongs inhabit shallow, tropical waters throughout the
Indo-Pacific region. Most of the world’s population of dugongs is now found in
northern Australian waters between Shark Bay in Western Australia and Moreton
Bay in Queensland. Dugongs swim using their whale-like fluked tail and they use
their front flippers for balance and turning. Their movements are often slow and
graceful. Early explorers and sailors believed that they were mermaids because
of their streamlined bodies and the large teats at the base of their flippers.
They have a rounded head with small eyes and a large snout. The nostrils are at
the top of the snout and, like mammals, dugongs must surface to breathe.
However, unlike other aquatic mammals such as some whales, dolphins and
porpoises, dugongs cannot hold their breath under water for very long. It is
generally for only a few minutes, especially if they are swimming
Dugongs have poor
eyesight but acute hearing. They find and grasp seagrass with the aid of coarse,
sensitive bristles, which cover the upper lip of their large and fleshy snout.
Small tusks can be seen in adult males and some old females. During the mating
season, male dugongs use their tusks to fight each other.
Magnificent Dugong Totem possesses the following virtues:
Friendship, adventure,
travel, new journeys, mobility, freedom, power, loyalty, devotion, bravery,
deeper consciousness, cooperation, communication abilities, warning of danger,
unquestioning love, and overcoming of obstacles, romance, love, attraction
powers, wards of negative energies, personal magnetism and charm,
Dugong Animal Pearls
are said to impart their particular magical virtues to their owner. Dugong
Pearls are characteristic of its host; they possess all the awesome
characteristics that may be seen in the Dugong itself; the dignity and grace of
this animal is contained within the pearl waiting for its proper owner to bestow
its inner magic to that unique and fortunate individual. 
century’s shamans, priestesses, spiritualists and practitioners of the occult
have used Dugong animal pearls to transfer the powerful magical energy of the
Dugong to themselves and to others in need of this commanding animal magic.
 Dugong pearls are
highly sought after by any wishing to absorb Dugong like virtues into their
lives and develop stronger mental abilities such as those embodied by this
magnificent creature. The owner of a Dugong pearl will see their lives,
spiritual energy and mental clarity imbued with all of the virtues attributed to
the “Cow” of the Sea, the Dugong. 
Dugong animal totem is a strong spirit indeed and its magical properties are one
of the most influential of all animal totems.  Strength, friendship,
virtue, cooperation, and so much more can be integrated into the spirit of the
possessor of this magical pearl and the Dugong totem.
Weight 1.0000 kg


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